Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Excuse me please?!?

Inconsiderate - adj - careless of the rights or feelings of others

OK...I am FURIOUS! I can not stand inconsderate people. I hate that I feel like I mean nothing or that my feelings are not workthy enough of thought. My B-day is tomorrow and it is my 30th. Ok, not a big deal. another bday, but I was linda looking forward to it. It was mine and the day was mine. BUT NO! I now have a 15 yo's bday piggybacked on mine. I wasn't even asked! By no means am I a greedy person and I do not mind sharing. But it is my 30th bday. I was looking forward to a day for me. I wanted to feel special. Now I just feel sh!t on. It might sound a bit childish, but I hardly ever do anything for me. My energy goes to the girls and Brian. I just wanted a day for me. Is that too hard to ask?


Brandy said...

It's not too much to ask. Sorry that you are getting crapped on. We'll do something fun when you get here. Keep your chin up!